The apple came into the world with the first humans, who, despite the divine command, ate it to gain knowledge. In Scandinavian mythology, the apple is a symbol of eternal youth and beauty, while in the Celtic mythology of paradise, apples are the fruits of oblivion or rebirth. For the Pythagoreans, it symbolized the hidden and the key to all knowledge, both good and bad.

The apple is a fruit, the product of the apple tree, which belongs to the Rosaceae family. The apple tree is one of the most widely cultivated fruit trees in the world and is the third most commercially traded fruit, after citrus fruits and bananas. The apple tree was known since prehistoric times, both in its wild and cultivated forms, and its origin is believed to be in the region south of the Caucasus. The tree has been cultivated since ancient times in Asia and Europe, but with the discovery of the New World and the settlement of colonists, many European varieties were brought to America.

Today, there are approximately 2,000 varieties of apples worldwide. The different apple varieties are distinguished by their color (greenish, waxy, yellow, red, dark-colored), ripening period (summer, winter, autumn), shape (round, oval, elongated), and the texture and quality of the fruit’s flesh (watery, soft, tender, mealy, crisp). The fruit of the apple tree is a false fruit. The edible part is made up of tissues that originate from the thickening of the calyx base, the corolla, and the stamens. It has various shapes, from spherical to elongated, with flesh that can be crisp or mealy, flavorful, and can be sweet, sour, or mildly acidic, and the seeds are brown in color.

The apple, aside from being a popular fruit, is truly one with significant nutritional value. It is no coincidence that we say “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples have low calorie content and are a rich source of dietary fiber, especially when consumed with the skin. Apples are high in vitamin C, which is essential for the proper functioning of our immune system, and contain several other vitamins such as A, K, and E, as well as minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc. Finally, it is worth mentioning that apples also contain important antioxidants.

The apple is a fruit that consumers can find in the market almost year-round. In Greece, fresh apples can be obtained from the end of summer to the beginning of winter, while during the rest of the year, they are usually stored in cold storage or imported.

The apple, aside from being eaten raw with the skin— which is the healthiest option— can be consumed in various ways, as it is versatile in both baking and cooking. Besides apple pie, which is the first dessert that comes to mind for consumers and is very popular, there are many other options such as strudel, compote, and other sweets. Apples can be paired with cereal for breakfast, used in salads, add flavor to main dishes, or enjoyed as a beverage or in a smoothie with other fruits.